Our Vision
The Columbia Board of REALTORS® is a streamlined, effective organization that significantly enhances member success by providing tools, training and techniques to enhance member profitability, productivity, and professional growth.
Our Purpose
The purpose of our organization is to enhance our member’s ability and opportunity to conduct business successfully and ethically, and to promote the preservation of the right to own, transfer, and use real property. We recognize that we sell and market more than individual homes, land or businesses; we also sell quality of life. This quality of life extends beyond the legal boundaries of our property.
We Focus on Sound Practices
Because Columbia’s existing policies and our community’s land-use decisions affect our quality of life as well as the price-tag the public must pay for it, we have a responsibility to promote sound land-use practices and policies to create a more livable community. We strongly support the availability of affordable housing for all segments of the market and our Code of Ethics requires us to support government policies designed to enhance home ownership opportunities.
Constant Growth
In an effort to build relationships with newly elected officials and renew our relationships with incumbents, as well as to help define our relationship with other organizations and entities in Boone County, the CBOR Board of Directors has developed a public policy manual to ensure understanding of the REALTOR® position on issues of concern in the communities we serve.
We Are a Diverse Group
We are a diverse organization of independent small business owners and our members have a wealth of knowledge and conflicting opinions regarding public issues. We recognize a total consensus on any one issue would be nearly impossible to achieve.
We Are Also Educators
Over the years, the Columbia Board of REALTORS® has taken on the role of educator in the political arena. Rather than take strong positions on many issues, the Board of REALTORS® provides forums, newsletter articles, candidate profiles and special mailings to its members to keep them aware of issues of importance to our community. We have encourage our members to form their own opinions independently and thoughtfully. We will continue to support and enhance these efforts.